The biggest group by far were the locals. A bunch of Irish families who live around Dublin and share a common walk with Jesus. Many have known each other for most of their lives having been a structured 'fellowship' where regular meetings had held them together but Father. This led them to move into the freedom of following Jesus' direction and gave them a sense of togetherness that flows out of following him, finding themselves perhaps more together than they had ever been! Being with them is like being part of a big extended family, not problem free but together doing what they understand Father calls them to do.
For the next 7 days we continued to get together in different groupings, usually around a meal, and enjoying our commonality - Jesus as centre and supreme. This was no conference where people were streamed to meetings but a place where we could walk and play together under the headship of Father. Although there was a 'ladies meeting' on the Tuesday where Val reluctantly attended her third ladies meeting ever and turned into the 'guest speaker'! (not really v's comment). Some of the men played golf that afternoon while others started to play snooker then dissolved into a deep sharing discussion at another brother's home. A highlight of the gathering was a Bus trip that gave a wonderful historic overview of the County in which we were meeting. Add to that the many small clusters who met and shared the good things that Father was doing where we come from.
David Rice wrote sharing the vision that had grown:
Most of you will have received an email from us in January outlining
our hopes and desires for the 10 days or so we hope to spend together at the end
of June next. At that time we told you of folks from various parts of the
world who hope to join us. They were the Dennison family from
Jo'burg, The Lentons From Zimbabwe, Kevin and Val Smith
from Melbourne, Australia, Wayne Jacobsen from California, the
Langfords from England.
Since then there are quite a few more who have joined the list. They are Mike and Lynette Woods and family from Washington (formerly from NZ); Colin and Jeanette Thompson from Gateshead, England; Stan and Mavis Firth from London, England; Mike and Jill Conraith from London; and Stephan Vosloo from Ladysmith, South Africa.
We feel this is a wonderful opportunity to be together
with these folks and each other for a fellowship festival.... a time to
fellowship together and share what we are hearing from heaven, to be open
to hear new things for the way forward and face up to the challenges of the
future. We do not have in mind a meeting-centered time, (though we
may all come together once or twice), but rather a time of being together
from house to house, garden to garden, barbecue to barbecue, hike to
hike. In other words time for relaxed sharing that is really centered around the
Lord Jesus.
The gathering concluded on Saturday with a barbecue lunch which the weather demanded was back at the Marquee. The whole time saw Father speaking through the gathered bunch. There was great unity, joy and no sense of cross purpose seen at all. Reflecting on the time together the words of Psalm 133 were in many minds,
Kevin kept walking around and singing (under his breath), the Charles Wesley Hymn,
What heights of rapture shall we know when 'round his throne we meet...”
Though it is a few weeks now since our weekend with you all we
wanted to say how much the time spent together was such a joy and blessing to
each of us in this family. The gathering in the tent on the Sunday was special
as we met people of whom we had heard; people we had not seen for 18 years; and
others whom we have seen more recently in the times when we have come to Ireland in the last few years. As that gathering drew to a close we were aware of the
outpouring of Father's love upon his children that afternoon and how precious it
is to be in his family. A special thank you is due to all you dear folk in
Ireland who so generously opened your homes and lives to all we visitors from
across the seas and as a result provided Father with the opportunity to draw us
so wonderfully together around his throne of grace, love and fun.
Jesus certainly inhabited the fun on Monday's bus trip! Colin (and Joyce), you did so
well that day. The whole atmosphere of laughter, song and conversation that
pervaded the day left a deep and lasting memory in us that has prompted many
conversations within our family concerning the people and their faith, their joy
and their hopes that have inspired us all in different ways.
To David and Nina, thank you for your willingness to respond
to the Spirit and allowing him to facilitate such a gathering of the body of our
Christ. Thank you to each and every one who came; we so enjoyed your company and your fellowship and the taste of the banquet that is spread before us as we
gather at the table of the Lord.
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