Wednesday, July 25, 2007

About a brother called Beresford....

Our last full day in the london area allowed us to visit a brother we first met 8 years ago in North Carolina at the Southern House Church Conference. Beresford was a speaker and presented material that explored how the traditions of men had distorted the things of God, for the Jew first and for the Christian.

Beresford lives with his wife, Belinda and eight year old daughter Bethany in a small house in Epping. His home is in walking distance of some of the other folk who share their life in Jesus.
Beresford calls a 'spade a spade' and doesn't mind shocking people in his straightforward and sometimes amusing turn of phrase. He is committed to live the truth he knows and teaches.

Beresford Job came to know the Lord in 1971. In 1976 he responded to a call into full time itinerant teaching and pastoral ministry, and has pioneered biblical house church life and experience in England throughout that time. When Beresford bowed his knee to Jesus and as he read the Bible he did not join an organised church but rather met with brothers and sisters who loved Jesus and learnt to be the church! God gave him the ability and gift to read and teach the Bible which he has done ever since. He relies on Father for his resourcing and does not ask people for money or support. The loveliness of Jesus is evident in their family. Beresford has made hundreds of teaching tapes and CD's that have a growing circulation both in the UK and the USA where he visits twice a year.

A friend who operates a Law office has encouraged Beresford to write some of the things he has taught people in a book. Beresford has now completed the book.

The fellowship that he is part of has a web site and can be viewed at

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