Friday, April 13, 2007

This is the beginning

Val and I have joined the ranks of 'bloggers'. We are doing this because we are going on a trip and want to keep in touch with whoever wants to keep in touch. Hopefully, this will not only keep folk intouch but will help our friends pray for us as we walk ahead.

The trip on which we embark on May 22nd will take us through the USA to Dublin, on to England then to a week in Frankfurt and a week in Chennai India. This trip is not a BIG holiday but walking where we believe God is taking us in the belief that he has work for us to do.

1 comment:

Chapmans said...

Hi from all of us! We're all well-ish, better than we were. The weather here has been fantastic - with gale force winds, and steady rain throughout the day. Lancefield got a mention in the rainfall stakes on the TV news tonight (30mm). The forecast is for more to come. We presume that no news is good news. We did hear about Val's passport, and I spoke with Rachael yesterday so we're sort of up-to-date with how you are. I finished and emailed the typing you wanted done. Sounds as though now is the worst of times and the best of times (Charles Dickens "The Tale of Two Cities"). I really appreciated what you had written. Mike has a paper to deliver tomorrow night after work at the AWWA (Aust Wastewater Assoc) meeting in Melbourne. He's madly trying to bring it all together - a bit nervous too I think, but lots of work. All for now, but be assured of our prayers...